Monday, October 17, 2011

Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith

I highly recommend this book.  If you like history and you like SciFi/Fantasy, you'll love it.

The book opens with you getting to meet the author of this book and a vampire by the name of Henry.  Henry happens to be in possession of secret diaries Lincoln kept, as well as various letters, all dealing with vampire hunting.   He has just found the right person to use these materials to compile a complete and accurate biography of Lincoln. 

I admit that I didn't know much about Lincoln's life beyond that fact that it was very tragic.  He lost so many people; his mother and his first love, his sister and his sons.  Within the story you see how many of his losses were brought about by vampires.  Grahame-Smith crafts a believable reason for this gentle giant to become the most prolific vampire hunter in America.  His letters, speeches, and diary entries are interspersed with the narration.  His known life is seamlessly integrated with his life as a hunter.

The vampire myth he creates uses traditional limitations of sunlight, for the younger vampires.  The vampire Henry also talks about the reality of being an eternal creature.  Once there are no limitations on how much wealth you can amass, the places you can visit, or the experiences you can have, then what do you have to live for?  What would drive you? 

Henry is also the first to plant the idea in Lincoln's head that not all vampires deserve death.  Or, at least, that some deserve it sooner.  "Judge us not equally." 

A very enjoyable read.

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